
How to Use a Board Skills Matrix?

The result of employees’ work depends on their professional skills and personal qualities. But from which ones? A competency matrix is used to identify the key competencies of employees and then assess them.

What Is a Board Skills Matrix?

Today, a society in which people have equal conditions for the implementation of their various abilities is considered to be socially just, and there is also an objective, not equalizing approach to assessing the results of each person’s activities. An objective approach implies an assessment of the results of activities from the point of view of the interests of society (its normal functioning). A fair remuneration system is that employees are treated with an open mind and in accordance with their merit and value to the company. The principles of such management of remuneration are fairness of distribution and procedural fairness.

The board skills matrix is a table with data on the level of competence of employees. It describes the requirements for the behavior of personnel in the workplace for all positions in the company. In addition to the matrix, there are other methods of personnel assessment. Procedural fairness is associated with the adoption of management decisions and the implementation of personnel management procedures. Researches identify five factors that influence perceptions of due process fairness:

  1. The opinion of employees is given due attention.
  2. Prejudice against employees is suppressed.
  3. There are decision-making criteria that are used consistently in relation to all employees.
  4. Employees are promptly informed about the actions taken in connection with the decisions made.
  5. Employees are provided with a justification for their decisions.

The Main Principles of Board Skills Matrix

Researches define the next principles of board skills Matrix:

1. The principle of a sense of justice was formulated by Eliot Jacques.

The essence of the principle is that the remuneration system is considered fair if people perceive it as such. The theory is based on the following provisions:

  • there is an unspoken standard of fair remuneration for work of any level of complexity;
  • at the organizational level, this standard is known to all employees;
  • objective wages should correspond to the level of complexity of the work and the ability of the employee to perform it;
  • employees should earn no less than they deserve in comparison with their work colleagues.

The principle of a sense of fairness is often a determining factor in assessing the level of complexity of a job, sometimes prevailing over the conclusions of a business assessment of job duties.

2. The principle of objectivity.

Objectivity is achieved when all employees of the organization receive adequate remuneration in relation to other members of the team. An objective approach to remuneration ensures that relative performance is as fair as possible and that pay for work of equal value is equal.

3. Consistency principle.

A consistent approach to the issue of labor means that wages should not vary arbitrarily and unreasonably in relation to different employees or in different periods of time. The level of remuneration should not deviate from norms recognized as fair and objective without good reason.

4. The principle of transparency.

Transparency assumes that employees understand the processes that govern the remuneration and the impact they have on them. The reasons for specific wage decisions are explained to employees at the time they are made. Employees participate in disassembling the strategy and determining the procedure for remuneration, have the right to know why certain decisions were made, and express their opinion on this issue.